Creating & Editing a Sub-User
Explains how to create and edit a sub-user
Creating a New Sub-User
Explains how to create a new sub-user
Editing an Existing Sub-User
Explain show to edit an existing sub-user
Approving an ACH Batch
Explains ACH Batch approval
Approving a Tax Payment
Explains Tax Payment approval
Creating an ACH Batch (manual)
Explains ACH Batch creation
Creating an ACH Batch from Existing Template
Explains how to create an ACH Batch from an existing template
Uploading an ACH NACHA File
Explains how to upload an ACH NACHA file
Creating & Editing ACH Templates
Explains how to create and edit ACH Templates
Wire Transfers Page
Explains the wire transfers page
Editing a Wire Transfer
Explains editing a wire transfer
Rejecting a Wire
Explains how to reject a wire
Creating a New Wire
Explains new wire creation
Wire Templates
Explains Wire Templates